Mercedes of the S-class W2021993-2000 of releaseRepair and operation of the car |
Mercedes W202 + 1.2. General information + 2. Maintenance - 3. Engines 3.1.2. Identification number + 3.1.3. Engine 3.1.4. Cars with the conditioner 3.1.5. Lower cover of a motor compartment 3.1.6. Covers of cast openings 3.1.7. Natyazhitel of a chain + 3.1.8. Cover of a head of the block of cylinders + 3.1.9. Head of the block of cylinders + 3.1.10. Camshafts 3.1.11. Hydraulic dish-shaped pushers 3.1.12. Maslootrazhatelny caps 3.1.13. Valves 3.1.14. The directing valves 3.1.15. Saddles of valves in a head of the block of cylinders 3.1.16. Compression + 3.1.17. Maple belt 3.1.18. Diagnostics of malfunctions (DB) 3.1.19. General comments 3.1.20. Repair work without dismantle of the engine + 3.1.21. Capital repairs of the engine + 3.2. Diesel Engine (DE) 3.2.3. Cars with the conditioner 3.2.4. Lower cover of a motor compartment 3.2.5. Covers of cast openings 3.2.6. Natyazhitel of a chain + 3.2.7. Camshaft + 3.2.8. Head of the block of cylinders + 3.2.9. Maslootrazhatelny caps 3.2.10. Cover of a head of the block of cylinders (2,2 / 2,5 l) 3.2.11. Hydraulic dish-shaped pushers 3.2.12. Valves 3.2.13. The directing valves 3.2.14. Saddles of valves in a head of the block of cylinders 3.2.15. Head of the block of cylinders and motor block 3.2.16. Compression 3.2.17. Maple ridge belt 3.2.18. The pulling device of a maple ridge belt 3.2.19. Diagnostics of malfunctions (DD) + 4. Lubrication system + 5. Cooling system + 6. Heating, ventilation + 7. System of ignition + 8. Fuel system + 9. Transmission + 10. Running gear + 11. Steering + 12. Brake system + 13. Body + 14. Electric equipment + 14.2. Electrical circuitries Читаем тут: https://snovonovo.ru |
3. Engines3.1. Petrol Engine (PE)3.1.1. Introduction
Engine with a working volume of 2,2 l
In the Mercedes C-class model stand line, 4-or 6-cylinder engines. In the motor block from gray cast iron openings of working cylinders are turned. In the presence on their walls of zadir or рисок they can be chiseled in a specialized workshop. Therefore pistons have to be installed in working cylinders with a tightness. In the bottom of the motor block the bent shaft which is fixed in 5 and 7 bearings of the crankshaft is located. By means of the sliding bearing the rods putting pistons in action are connected with a bent shaft. From below the engine the oil pallet is attached, – in it the engine oil demanded for lubricant and cooling gathers. From above to the motor block the head of cylinders made of aluminum which has good heat conduction and much easier than gray cast iron fastens. The head of cylinders is made by the principle of a cross stream. That is fuel-air mix enters on one party of a head of cylinders while hot gases are pushed out from the opposite side. Thanks to the principle of a cross stream the best gas exchange is carried out. In a head of cylinders there are two camshafts: one for inlet, and another for final valves. Four valves are directly given from a cam-shaft through dish-shaped pushers. Hydraulic dish-shaped pushers provide automatically uniform gap of valves under any service conditions thanks to what adjustment of gaps of valves within servicing is not required. Lubricant of the engine is provided by the oil pump. It is strengthened ahead on the block of cylinders and is given by means of an additional roller chain. The oil which is sucked in from the oil pallet through openings and channels reaches bearings of the crankshaft and cam-shafts, and also the working surfaces of cylinders. The pump of cooling liquid at 4-cylinder engines is fixed ahead on the motor block, and at 6-cylinder – sideways the motor block. The pump is given from a ridge maple belt which in addition gives the generator and the pump of steering. Keep in mind that the contour of the cooling system has to be filled annually with fresh mix of antifreeze and anticorrosive means on the basis of the decalcified water. For preparation of flammable fuel-air mix the operated device of injection and ignition which practically does not demand leaving serves completely electronically.